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Bitewing Games

Gussy Gorillas

Gussy Gorillas

Regular price $34.90 SGD
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Balance: 1 Units
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    Gussy Gorillas are a peculiar group of primates that strive to keep each other gussied up and well-groomed. Through social grooming, these apes remove dirt, insects, and debris from the difficult-to-reach and difficult-to-see places of each other’s fur. Reciprocation is expected and awarded in this kind of monkey business! The player who acquires the most diverse and exotic collection of groomed goods will earn the respect of their fellow primates and be awarded the golden banana of victory.

    In Gussy Gorillas, players start out with a personal deck of face-down cards. Without looking at the card(s) in their hand, players simultaneously trade or keep their hand, one or two cards at a time, to form a personal collection. Once all cards have been traded or kept, players tally their collections and the highest score wins — but pairs can cancel out and special cards are not always helpful, so trade carefully!

    Similar to the popular game Hanabi, in Gussy Gorillas players hold their cards facing away from themselves...but instead of being a co-operative memory game, this is a competitive negotiation and bluffing game. Things get even more interesting once players realize that every card can either be very good or very bad for one's collection, depending on the context. You'll have to convince your opponents to keep bad cards for themselves and give great cards to you if you want to swing away with the win...

    Game Overview

     • Deal each player a facedown pile of 11 cards. Yep, that’s it.

    • Hold Your Card(s) Facing Away From You: Simultaneously draw a card from your pile and hold it facing away from yourself, so your opponents can see the card but you cannot!

    • Let the Wild Trading Begin: Simultaneously trade your hand with any opponent and add their offering to your collection.

    • Sweeten the Pot or Keep Your Own Cards: You can always sweeten your offering by adding a second card to your hand. Or if you feel like your hand is valuable, you can simply keep the card(s) by placing it directly into your collection instead of trading it away.

    • Don’t Stop Until You Run Out: After trading or keeping your hand, immediately draw a new card and continue trading and keeping cards until your draw pile runs out.

    • Award the Golden Banana: After all draw piles are empty, tally your collection score. Apply special cards, cancel out pairs of numbers, and award the highest score(s) a victory banana! Play multiple rounds until one or more players gain two victory bananas and win the game!

    Game Contents

    Useful Links

    KS Campaign: Click Here

    BGG Page (Gussy Gorillas): Click Here

    Draft Rulebook (Gussy Gorillas): Click Here